Download TestDisk Latest Version [Windows, Mac & Linux]

Developer CGSecurity
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TestDisk is a program that can be used to restore (recover) lost partitions. This app is an open source software that you can download and use at no cost. The app is also multi-platform, so you can use this program on a variety of operating systems such as Windows, Linux, MacOS X, FreeBSD, and others. This program can be used if you experience damage to the hard disk partition such as partitions that suddenly disappear, “unallocated partition” or RAW partition in Windows Disk Management that can be caused by:

  1. Inadvertently “format” or “delete” partitions
  2. Incorrect configuration during dual-boot installation with Linux / * BSD
  3. Reinstall or upgrade Windows
  4. Software updates
TestDisk Logo
TestDisk Logo

How to Use TestDisk

Here is an example of using this program when partitions on an external hard disk suddenly disappear or are empty. In this example, the Hard Disk should have 2 partitions but due to logical or formatted damage, what is seen in the Windows Disk Management is a hard disk that is still empty or “Unallocated”. Before you use this software, make sure your hard disk does not experience other damage such as SMART warning or Bad Sector. Damage such as bad sectors will result in the slow scan or partition searches and can result in other damage such as weak media.

TestDisk Latest Version
TestDisk Latest Version

This app must be run as Administrator or root user. After running this app, the process is as follows. Choose to create new Log files or not log files. Select the Hard Disk that you want to check for partitions. The hard disk in question must be detected properly in the BIOS or Windows

  1. Choose to create Log files.
  2. Choose Disk to analyze.
  3. Select the Partition table type, generally for Windows used is Intel.
  4. Select Menu to check the partition structure and look for the missing partition. To find a partition there, select “Analyze” then click Enter.
  5. TestDisk will display the partitions on the Hard Disk. Because the partition we are looking for disappears, we immediately click Enter to run the “Quick Search” function or fast analysis.
  6. Click “Y “to find the partition created in the Win Vista Operating System and continue the analysis process.
  7. Search for created under Vista partition
  8. The results of the analysis will be displayed after the process is complete. Found partitions will be displayed with green text as shown on the screen. If the partition in question is not found, you need to run the “Deeper Search” function
  9. After getting good analysis results, you can choose to see the contents of the partitions that have been found or continue to rewrite the partition table to the hard disk.
  10. Select the partition you want to see the contents and then click “P” to continue. You can choose the folder or file you want to backup, click “C” to copy the file or folder.
  11. Select the location of the folder where the file or folder is stored. If the copy is complete, you will see the file listing again.
  12. Choose the destination folder to copy files
  13. The copy process is completed with TestDisk.