Download Wise Data Recovery Latest Version

Developer WiseCleaner
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Wise Data Recovery is a data recovery tool that is safe and effective, giving you the best data recovery experience. How to use this app? Just need a simple step, you can get all your data back. Read this article below for more information.

Wise Data Recovery Logo
Wise Data Recovery Logo

How to Use Wise Data Recovery?

  • Launch the Program and Start Scan

First of all, please download the program and install it on your computer (DO NOT install it on the disk where you lost your data, if not the files are lost and the data will be overwritten.).

  • Select Location to Start Searching for data

Please choose a location to start searching for data, such as Desktop, Windows Libraries, Hard Disk Drives, Missing Hard Disk Drives (This option is suitable for data loss situations caused by partition deletion, partition loss or re-partitioning. The program will read the partition table and list all deleted partition info below.)

  • Scan Your Computer or Device

At the top of this program is a process bar that displays recovery status. Next, to the bar, there is a Stop and Pause button. The Pause button allows you to pause the scan and continue later. Below the bar are approximate instructions on the remaining time process and the scan indicator displays the process in percentages. Technically the first scan will be very fast. Wise Data Recovery will display all files that were only deleted or cleaned from the recycle bin. A pop up will remind you to use Deep Scan for further recovery initially after you get the first scan. Use Deep Scan based on the following 2 situations:

  1. You cannot find the file you need from the first scan.
  2. The recovered file cannot properly open.
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By clicking Deep Scan at the bottom left, Wise Data Recovery will do a new sector by scanning the sector, which will take longer than the first check. Please be patient and do not interfere with the process in the middle of the process if it is not necessary.

  • Preview and Recover Files

Interface scan results are divided into 3 parts. On the left is a directory listing, which offers 3 methods (by Path, type and time) to filter files immediately. The window in the middle displays all files and folders based on the folder selected in the left window with more info (date and type). The window on the right side displays thumbnails and info for the selected file in the middle window. This provides the Preview option to see certain types of files in the program.

Wise Data Recovery Latest Version
Wise Data Recovery Latest Version
  • Recovering the files

After previewing or searching, you can select the targeted file and press the button to Recover and save it on the computer device or save the results of your Recover (Please do not save the file on the drive or device where you lost data).

  • Exporting the result

In addition, you can export the scan results by clicking Export Scan Status. You can import the scan results to do another recovery without scanning again at any time by clicking Import Scan Status. Those are the steps to use Wise Data Recovery.