Developer | Microsoft |
License | Free |
Download | Free Download |
It is a basic word processor which is completed almost by all versions of Microsoft Windows. It has higher advancement than Microsoft Notepad but it is simpler than Microsoft Works Word Processor and Microsoft Word. In this case, WordPad replaces Microsoft Write.
General Information
WordPad was first introduced in Windows 95 as a replacement of Microsoft Write. All of the previous versions of Windows were brought by WordPad which were then distributed by Microsoft as a Microsoft Foundation Classes sample application.

One of the previous features is the default font used. It was Arial 10 which was transferred from Windows 95 to Windows Vista. But it was soon changed to Calibri 11 in Windows 7. Now WordPad is supplied by some vendors on a pre-installation of Windows CE. The functionality works well and is very simple. Meanwhile, the icon of this word processor looks like the icon of the early Microsoft Word icon.
It presents the useful and the easy-handling features in which you can make use of the functionality maximally. Check them out below.
WordPad’s Ability
WordPad’s ability has all its function to support you working on producing documents. Those are the ability to format and print the text. The features include fonts, bold, italic, colored and centered text and etc. This software could read, render, and save many Rich text Format (RTF).
It is also well suited for taking notes, writing letters and stories. It is also proper to be used in many types of tablets, PCs, and smartphones. It means that the use of WordPad in mobile devices allows you to easily do all of your document making supported by the sufficient features needed.
Natively Support RTF
It natively supports RTF although not all of the features in RTF is supporting. However, the previous version of WordPad has supported the format of “Word for Windows 6.0” which is compatible with the format of Microsoft Windows.

Full Unicode Supports
Another feature of WordPad is the full Unicode supports which allow it to support multiple languages. In this case, the files will be saved as Unicode text which is encoded as UTF-16 LE. This feature enables you to type documents written in the desired language. Then you will be able to save the documents as the Unicode text.
Run on Windows CE 5.0
This word processor is able to run on Windows CE 5.0, particularly Windows XP Tablet PC Edition SP2 and Windows Vista. The feature that is coming along with is speech recognition. Thus, the dictation into WordPad is possible. It also supports the grammar and spell check now.
Meanwhile, for Windows Vista, WordPad’s ability to read Microsoft Word DOC files removed due to the incorrect rendering and formatting problems.
After all, it can be concluded that WordPad is very useful as word processor which you can adopt as your software. Its ability and its support to the document make it is quite sufficient.