Download EagleGet Latest Version for Windows

Developer EagleGet
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EagleGet is a free universal download accelerator which supports HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and MMS as well as RTSP protocol. If you don’t quite understand about this, then you may simply lead your mind to know the main function which is to accelerate your download. This acceleration uses the multi-thread technology which enables you to download just in a glance.


Generally, this download accelerator is good to let you download the videos, music, documents and some applications in Chrome, IE, and Firefox. You can do all of these actions just by using one click.

The interface is designed in such a way along with the task manager to increase your productivity. Moreover, the fact that you can get this accelerator at free is another good news.

EagleGet Latest Version
EagleGet Latest Version

EagleGet Features

Designed as one of the recommended accelerators, EagleGet provides the following features you can maximize:

  • Direct Downloads

The direct download feature is very useful and helpful to optimize the function of downloading. Moreover, it is supported by the integration of some multiple browsers such as Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, and Chrome. These apps automatically detect if there is any downloadable file provided on the web page.

To activate this feature, you just need to hover your cursor to find the file and press the Download button. Later, you need to make a click and choose what file you have to type and finally start the download.

  • Auto-Categorize
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The second feature you can actually optimize just after installing EagleGet is the auto-categorize. Along with this feature, you will be able to turn on and off the items you are downloading to make a quick organization. As an alternative, you can auto-categorize the items so that you don’t have to take more time in organizing the items.

  • Virus Check

Another nice feature you have to maximize the function is the virus check. This means that EagleGet is able to check whether or not there is a virus in the files you are downloading. In this case, you can surely check the virus even though you haven’t opened the items after the downloading is completed. Related with security, this feature makes you able to prevent any harmful virus that may infect your computer.


Finally, you may infer in your mind that EagleGet is very good to accelerate the download process you are running on. This app makes you able to download fast, easy, and save. Thus, having this app in your computer is not bad at all.